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Welcome to the samsung galaxy website. find everything you need to know from the latest galaxy note7 to the gear products right here.. Everything abut galaxy s4: news, update, review, tutorial samsung rolled up galaxy s4 android lollipop 5.0 update recently. now, the official galaxy s4 lollipop. Topic samsung android devices will not charge if moisture is present in the usb charging port. this is a preventative measure added to prevent corrosion..
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Samsung galaxy s4 specs
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Samsung galaxy s4 manual user guide for samsung galaxy s4 owners. include specifications and latest news update. Hi, i just talked with a support rep with samsung, and showed them this manual. they said it was an obsolete manual due to a firmware upgrade. specifically, i was. Samsung galaxy ace gt s5830 specifications. the 3.5 inches display of samsung galaxy ace gt s5830 is equipped with tft capacitive touchscreen that has 320 x 480.